
Karim Chahal
Independent Advisor
Financial Security Advisor
Group Insurance and group annuity plans advisor

With Horizons Financial Services Inc.

6 Trenton Ave.
Mont-Royal, H3P 3K7

Fax. 514-733-1899

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Individual Pension Plans & Business Owners

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Me Guy MatteMe Guy Matte, Lawyer, CA, M. Fisc. - Malo Dansereau.

Lawyer since 1981, Me Matte follows his law occupation at Malo Dansereau in Montreal. His field of expertise include tax litigation and advanced financial planning. He also acts as a part-time lecturer at UQAM university.

Me Matte is also a Chartered Accountant and has been a member of "Les Comptables Agréés du Québec" since 1986.